What’s Going On

Daily Worship
Join us each morning at Ocean Shores United Methodist Church FACEBOOK Group for worship. Worship will start at 10:30 A.M., but you can access the recording following the live broadcast.
Sunday Service
Join us for Worship on FACEBOOK on
Sunday, July 5. This week’s sermon is on Freedom.
10:30 a.m. Ocean Shores United Methodist Church Facebook page.
Visit www.facebook.com/OceanShoresUnitedMethodistChurchOSUMC

OSUMC Community
The Administrative Council and Pastor continue to work on a phased plan for reentry into the worship space. We are http://www.slaterpharmacy.com working with the District Superintendent to get a plan approved for reentry. At this time we do not have an anticipated date for in-person worship. We are using this time to develop an online presence. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Ron Myers, rrpmyers@gmail.com or call 907-947-4650 (cell).
Upcoming Event
Description: This is an opportunity to engage in an online conversation with one another utilizing the ZOOM Platform.
Date: Thursday, July 9th
Time: 5:00-6:00 p.m.
If you are interested, please contact Pastor Ron, rrpmyers@gmail.com